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Nova Scotia Update:
0 new deaths (65 total)
0 new hospitalizations (0 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
0 new cases (1086 total)
858 tests done
0 new recoveries (1021 total)
0 active cases (100% are officially concluded)

New Brunswick Update:
0 new deaths (2 total)
0 new hospitalizations (0 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
0 new cases (194 total)
0 new recoveries (191 total)
1 active case (99.5% are officially concluded)

PEI Update:
0 new deaths (0 total)
0 new cases (57 total)
0 new recoveries (56 total)
1 active case (98.2% are officially concluded)

Newfoundland Update:
0 new deaths (3 total)
0 new hospitalizations (0 current)
0 new ICU cases (0 current)
0 new cases (272 total)
0 new recoveries (267 total)
2 active cases (99.3% are officially concluded)

There are no new case in the Atlantic Bubble today. This means there is 1 active case in PEI, 0 in NS, 1 in NB and 2 in NFLD, none known to be related to the Atlantic Bubble itself. In NS, 53/65 (82%) NS deaths are from Northwood and 57/65 (88%) are from long term care in general (11 different facilities have reported cases, none have an active case). Yesterday, 858 tests were completed with 0 new cases reported.

From the Press Release:

- NS has 65 deaths, making the death rate 65/1M population
- NB has 2 deaths, their rate is 2.5/1M
- PEI has 0 deaths
- NFLD has 3 deaths, their rate is 5.75/1M
- Canada's rate sitting at 245/1M
- Global rate is 123.4/1M
- US rate is 604/1M
- Austria rate is 87/1M
- Spain is 650/1M
- Sweden is 571/1M

Notable points for today
- Spain reported 0 deaths yesterday for an increase of 0% (they don't report on weekend).
- Austria reports 2 deaths for an increase of 0.26%.
- The rate of increase in Canada is 0.07% with 6 deaths. This marks 47/51 days at/under 0.1%, all but 1 under 0.15%.
- The US rate of increase is 0.34%. 83/97 days are under a 0.75% increase, 22 of them at/under 0.3%.
- Sweden's increase is 0.0% meaning 44/45 days are at/under 0.1%.

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